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FORD NEW HOLLAND L65 L85 L95 4635 4835 6635 TL T5000 SERIES LH STUB AXLE
FORD NEW HOLLAND L65 L85 L95 4635 4835 6635 TL T5000 SERIES LH STUB AXLE
Price:280.00 Exc VAT
Location: White - C.Q.0.1.2
OEM Reference: 5166148
Commodity Codes: 8708991090

Quantity in Stock:1

Product Code: 103837

Description Technical Specs
Case IH Tractor
Series JXU
100U, 105U, 1070U, 1080U, 1090U, 1100U, 70U,
75U, 80U, 85U, 90U, 95U,

OEM Reference

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