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FORD 8730 8830 TW 25 35 INNER AIR FILTER
FORD 8730 8830 TW 25 35 INNER AIR FILTER
Price:36.00 Exc VAT
Location: White - R.5.5
Specification: Outs. Ø (mm) 143 Inner Ø (mm) Height (mm) 447
OEM Reference: 83913764
Commodity Codes: 8708999790

Quantity in Stock:2

Product Code: 3361

Description Technical Specs
Ford Tractor
Series 30
8730 ,8830
Series TW
TW25 ,TW30 ,TW35

OEM Reference
3913764 ,83913764 ,D8NN9R500AA ,FD89500AA ,P124046

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