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Price:190.00 Exc VAT
Location: Grey - E.1.5.
Specification: Length Top 725mm Length Bottom 380mm Length Side 1500mm
OEM Reference: 04418951
Commodity Codes: 7007111000

Quantity in Stock:2

Product Code: 200994

Description Technical Specs
Deutz Tractor
Series 6 Agrotron
Agrotron 6120.4, Agrotron 6130.4, Agrotron 6140.4, Agrotron 6140,
Agrotron 6150, Agrotron 6160, Agrotron 6180, Agrotron 6190,
Agrotron 6120.4P, Agrotron 6130.4P, Agrotron 6140.4P, Agrotron 6140P,
Agrotron 6150.4P, Agrotron 6150P, Agrotron 6160.4P, Agrotron 6160P,
Agrotron 6180P, Agrotron 6190P, Agrotron 6210, Agrotron 6150.4,
Series 6 TTV
6150.4 TTV, 6160.4 TTV, 6160 TTV, 6180 TTV, 6190 TTV, 6120.4 TTV, 6130.4 TTV, 6140.4 TTV, 6140 TTV,
Series 7 Agrotron
Agrotron 7200 ST, Agrotron 7220 ST,
Series 7 TTV
7210 TTV, 7230 TTV, 7250 TTV,
Series Agrotron
Agrotron 100, Agrotron 105, Agrotron 106, Agrotron 110, Agrotron 115,
Agrotron 120, Agrotron 135, Agrotron 150, Agrotron 160, Agrotron 165,
Agrotron 175, Agrotron 195, Agrotron 200, Agrotron 230, Agrotron 260,
Agrotron 80, Agrotron 85, Agrotron 90, Agrotron 6160.4,
Series Agrotron 4.
Agrotron 4.70, Agrotron 4.80, Agrotron 4.85, Agrotron 4.90, Agrotron 4.95,
Series Agrotron 6.
Agrotron 6.00, Agrotron 6.01, Agrotron 6.05, Agrotron 6.15, Agrotron 6.20, Agrotron 6.30, Agrotron 6.45,
Series Agrotron L
Agrotron L710, Agrotron L720, Agrotron L730,
Series Agrotron M
Agrotron M410, Agrotron M410 Profiline, Agrotron M420, Agrotron M420 Profiline, Agrotron M600, Agrotron M610, Agrotron M610 Profiline, Agrotron M615, Agrotron M615 Profiline, Agrotron M620, Agrotron M620 Profiline, Agrotron M625, Agrotron M640, Agrotron M640 Profiline, Agrotron M650,
Agrotron M650 Profiline, Agrotron M625 Profiline,
Series Agrotron MKIII
Agrotron 100MKIII, Agrotron 105MKIII, Agrotron 106MKIII, Agrotron 110MKIII, Agrotron 115MKIII, Agrotron 120MKIII, Agrotron 135MKIII, Agrotron 150MKIII, Agrotron 160MKIII, Agrotron 165MKIII, Agrotron 175MKIII, Agrotron 200MKIII, Agrotron 230MKIII, Agrotron 260MKIII, Agrotron 80MKIII, Agrotron 85MKIII, Agrotron 90MKIII,
Series Agrotron New
Agrotron 100, Agrotron 105, Agrotron 108, Agrotron 110, Agrotron 118,
Agrotron 120, Agrotron 128, Agrotron 130, Agrotron 140, Agrotron 150,
Agrotron 150.7, Agrotron 155, Agrotron 165, Agrotron 165.7, Agrotron 210,
Agrotron 215, Agrotron 235, Agrotron 265, Agrotron 80, Agrotron 90,
Series Agrotron Profiline
Agrotron 120, Agrotron 130, Agrotron 150, Agrotron 150.7, Agrotron 165.7, Agrotron 180.7,
Series Agrotron TTV
Agrotron TTV1130, Agrotron TTV1145, Agrotron TTV1160,
Series Agrotron TTV COM3
Agrotron TTV 410, Agrotron TTV 420, Agrotron TTV 430, Agrotron TTV 610, Agrotron TTV 620, Agrotron TTV 630,
Series Agrotron X
Agrotron X710, Agrotron X720,

Hurlimann Tractor
Series SX
SX1200, SX1350, SX1500, SX1600, SX1800, SX2000,
Series XL
XL130, XL150, XL150.7, XL165.7,
Series XL COM3
XL130 DCR, XL135 DCR, XL140 DCR, XL155 DCR, XL160 DCR, XL175 DCR, XL185 DCR,
Series XL Hi-Level
XL130 Hi-Level, XL150 Hi-Level, XL150.7 Hi-Level, XL165.7 Hi-Level, XL180.7 Hi-Level,
Series XL Hi-Level COM3
XL135 Hi-Level DCR, XL140 Hi-Level DCR, XL155 Hi-Level DCR,
XL160 Hi-Level DCR, XL175 Hi-Level DCR, XL185 Hi-Level DCR,
Series XL Tier 4i
XL 120.4 T4i, XL 130.4 T4i, XL 140 T4i, XL 150.4 T4i, XL 160.4 T4i,
XL 120.4 T4i Hi Level, XL 130.4 T4i Hi Level, XL 140 T4i Hi Level,
XL 140.4 T4i Hi Level, XL 150.4 T4i Hi Level,

Lamborghini Tractor
Series Champion
Champion 120, Champion 135, Champion 150, Champion 160 Intel-Cab,
Champion 180 Intel-Cab, Champion 200 Intel-Cab,
Series Mach
210VRT, 230VRT, 250VRT,
Series R6
R6.130, R6.130S, R6.140S, R6.150, R6.150.7, R6.150S, R6.165.7, R6.165S,
Series R6 COM3
R6.130 DCR, R6.135 DCR, R6.140 DCR, R6.155 DCR, R6.160 DCR, R6.175 DCR, R6.185 DCR,
Series R6 Hi-Profile
R6.130 Hi-Profile, R6.150 Hi-Profile, R6.150.7 Hi-Profile, R6.165.7 Hi-Profile, R6.180.7 Hi-Profile,
Series R6 Hi-Profile DCR COM 3
R6.135 Hi-Profile DCR, R6.140 Hi-Profile DCR, R6.155 Hi-Profile DCR,
R6.160 Hi-Profile DCR, R6.175 Hi-Profile DCR, R6.185 Hi-Profile DCR,
Series R6 Tier 4i
R6 120.4 T4i, R6 130.4 T4i, R6 140 T4i, R6 140.4 T4i, R6 150 T4i,
R6 160 T4i, R6 180 T4i, R6 190 T4i, R6 190 T4i Hi-Profile,
R6 120.4 T4i Hi Profile, R6 130.4 T4i Hi Profile, R6 140 T4i Hi Profile,
R6 140.4 T4i Hi Profile, R6 150 T4i Hi Profile, R6 150.4 T4i Hi Profile,
R6 150.4 T4i, R6 160.4 T4i, R6 160 T4i Hi Profile,
R6 160.4 T4i Hi Profile, R6 180 T4i Hi Profile,
Series R6 VRT
R6.150.7 VRT, R6.165.7 VRT,
Series R6 VRT COM 3
R6.115 DCR VRT, R6.125 DCR VRT, R6.150 DCR VRT,
R6.170 DCR VRT, R6.190 DCR VRT,
Series R6 VRT Tier 4i
R6 120.4 T4i VRT, R6 130.4 T4i VRT, R6 140.4 T4i VRT,
R6 140 T4i VRT, R6 150.4 T4i VRT, R6 160.4 T4i VRT,
R6 210 T4i VRT, R6 230 T4i VRT, R6 250 T4i VRT²,
Series R7
R7.175S, R7.190S, R7.200,
Series R7 COM3
R7.190 DCR, R7.210 DCR, R7.210, R7.220 DCR,
Series R8
R8.215, R8.230 DCR, R8.265, R8.270 DCR, R8.230, R8.270,
Series Spark
Spark 210, Spark 150.4, Spark 160.4, Spark 150,
Series Spark T4i
Spark 150.4 T4i, Spark 160.4 T4i, Spark 150 T4i, Spark 160 T4i,
Spark 180 T4i, Spark 190 T4i, Spark 210 T4i,
Series Spark VRT
Spark 160 VRT, Spark 180 VRT, Spark 190 VRT,
Series Victory
Victory 230, Victory 260, Victory Plus 230, Victory Plus 260,

Same Tractor
Series Audax
200ST, 220ST,
Series Diamond
Diamond 215, Diamond 230, Diamond 260, Diamond 265,
Diamond 270 (T4), Diamond II 230, Diamond II 260,
Series Fortis
Fortis 120.4, Fortis 130.4, Fortis 140, Fortis 140.4, Fortis 150, Fortis 160,
Fortis 180, Fortis 190, Fortis 190 Infinity, Fortis 210, Fortis 140 Infinity,
Fortis 150 Infinity, Fortis 160 Infinity, Fortis 180 Infinity, Fortis 120.4 Infinity,
Fortis 130.4 Infinity, Fortis 140.4 Infinity, Fortis 150.4 Infinity, Fortis 150.4,
Fortis 160.4 Infinity, Fortis 160.4, Fortis 210 Infinity,
Series Iron
Iron 130, Iron 130S, Iron 140, Iron 140S, Iron 150, Iron 150.7, Iron 155S,
Iron 165.7, Iron 165S, Iron 175S, Iron 190S, Iron 200, Iron 210,
Series Iron Continuo COM3
Iron 115 DCR Continuo, Iron 125 DCR Continuo, Iron 135 DCR Continuo,
Iron 150 DCR Continuo, Iron 170 DCR Continuo, Iron 190 DCR Continuo,
Series Iron COM3
Iron 130 DCR, Iron 140 DCR, Iron 155 DCR, Iron 160 DCR,
Iron 175 DCR, Iron 185 DCR, Iron 210 DCR, Iron 135 DCR,
Series Iron Continuo
Iron 150.7 Continuo, Iron 165.7 Continuo,
Series Iron HI-Line
Iron 130 HI-Line, Iron 150 HI-Line, Iron 150.7 HI-Line,
Iron 165.7 HI-Line, Iron 180.7 HI-Line,
Series Iron HI-Line DCR COM 3
Iron 135 Hi-Line DCR, Iron 140 HI-Line DCR, Iron 155 Hi-Line DCR,
Iron 160 HI-Line DCR, Iron 175 HI-Line DCR, Iron 185 HI-Line DCR,
Series Iron3 COM3
Iron3 190 DCR, Iron3 210 DCR, Iron3 220 DCR,
Series Rubin
Rubin 120, Rubin 135, Rubin 150, Rubin 160, Rubin 160 Galileo,
Rubin 180, Rubin 180 Galileo, Rubin 200, Rubin 200 Galileo,

OEM Reference
04418951 , 0441895110 ,

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